
Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why read what I think?

I'm the first to realize that my thoughts you read here will dissipate into the ether along with the 200 million other blogs in the U.S. I liken my opinion, and therefore my blog, to that of a family pet, say, a cat. When the cat dies, the immediate family can be devastated. When it's my friend's cat, I feel sympathy for my friend, but I likely will not feel much sadness, unless I knew the cat really well. When I tell my mother about my cat's friend, she'll say, "That's too bad," but we all know she doesn't really care — she doesn't even know my friend, let alone "Sniffers."

So my thoughts are like the cat, few people will really care — but that's the challenge, isn't it? I'll avoid posting racy pictures or using suggestive headlines just to get attention. So we have to focus on motivating others to not only get to our blog, but read it. Thus, the photos might be provocative and the headline might capture the reader long enough to get them to read the first couple lines, then the post has to keep them intrigued.

Let's face it, with hundreds of millions of blogs and the countless other competitors for eyeballs, a person has to slice through that traffic and grab readers by their eyelashes and slap them around a little to get their attention. That's a figurative example — see, I read our assignments.

That's all for now, because the only person who is still reading this is my mother to see if I disparaged her any further.

Mom, it wasn't about you — it was an example. Yes, I love you and I'll call Sunday night ...